Ensuring that “no one is left behind” is a fundamental principle of harm reduction. Smoking-related harms disproportionately affect the most marginalised and disadvantaged communities across the globe, with 80% of smokers living in low- and middle-income countries, and marginalised communities bearing the brunt of smoking-related disease in high-income countries.
We’re therefore proud to announce our first panel of #GFN23, titled “Inequality of access - how do we achieve a level playing field?” Within the context of the increased range of safer alternatives to smoking, this diverse panel will identify what prevents universal access. What are the economic, political, or cultural barriers? How can science influence policy in this arena? What are the priorities for those working to develop THR - and who might be allies in the process? Joining host David MacKintosh are an illustrious group of panellists: Cheryl Olson, Michael Kariuki, Le Dinh Phuong, and Samsul Arrifin. Bringing extensive experience from multiple medical disciplines, as well as years of THR advocacy, this panel promises to be an eye-opening exploration of inequitable THR practices, and what we can do to help those most at risk from smoking-related harms. This panel will not be streamed, so make sure to book your in-person tickets for Warsaw here so you can join the discussion!
Want more food for thought? Incarcerated populations are routinely sidelined when it comes to the right to a healthy life. In this video, Michael Stoney, governor of Barlinnie prison in Scotland, discusses the adoption of THR initiatives in Scottish prisons following the 2018 prison-smoking ban.
Urgent #GFNFives information
A small technical bug has led to problems with the submissions process for #GFNFives. Luckily our tech wizards have worked their magic and you should now be able to upload your #GFNFives without issue! If you’ve been having difficulties submitting your #GFNFive, please try to resubmit your 5 minute video. Email gfnfives@gfn.events if you have any further problems, or have questions for the team.
Welcoming GFN23 media partners TobaccoIntelligence and Planet of the Vapes!
TobaccoIntelligence provides impartial, independent and premium market and regulatory analysis, legal tracking, and quantitative data for the nicotine and tobacco alternatives sector worldwide. Get the tools to navigate this fast-moving sector, tailor your business strategy, optimise resources and make informed decisions. In addition, TobaccoIntelligence offers customised research and consultancy support.
Planet of the Vapes carries everything you need to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest trends in vaping. As one of the leading providers of worldwide vaping and tobacco harm reduction news, product reviews and more, their busy forum has over 55,000 members, and their weekly newsletter reaches over 60,000 subscribers.
See you in June…
The GFN23 Team
Newsletter sent on 27 March 2023