Science Lab #1

Introductory Videos

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

Estimating HPHC Exposureon a “Per Stick Basis” - C. Wade | GFN Fives '24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

Literature Review on the Indoor Air Quality Studies for HTPs - Y. Miyamoto | GFN Science Lab '24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

Empowering Lady Health Workers for Smoking Cessation - N. Shaheen | GFN Science Lab '24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

Reviews of Overheating ENDS Aerosol: Recent Updates - S. Soulet | GFN Science Lab '24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

Bridging the Policy Practice Gap in Tobacco Cessation - S. Patwardhan | GFN Science Lab '24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Science Lab #1


Ian Jones

Ian Jones

Author & presenter

Carrie Wade

Carrie Wade

Title: Estimating HPHC Exposure on a “Per Stick Basis”


Karin Jacobson

Karin Jacobson

Title: Comprehensive Literature Review on the Indoor Air Quality Studies for Heated Tobacco Products (by Yoko Miyamoto)


Marewa Glover

Marewa Glover

Title: Empowering Lady Health Workers for Smoking Cessation: Lessons from a Rural Pakistan Initiative (by Nazia Shaheen)


Roberto Sussman

Roberto Sussman

Title: Reviews of Overheating ENDS Aerosol: Recent Updates (by Sebastien Soulet)


Sud Patwardhan

Sud Patwardhan

Title: Bridging the policy-practice gap in tobacco cessation