Panel 5 Safer nicotine: human rights and legal challenges

Introductory Videos

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

GFN '22 | Tomas O'Gorman - pre-record for Panel 5

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

GFN'22 | Gerry Stimson - pre-record for Panel 5

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

GFN'22 | Fiona Patten - pre-record for Panel 5

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

GFN'22 | David Sweanor - pre-record for Panel 5

Global Forum on Nicotine

Session Video

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

GFN'22 | Safer nicotine human rights and legal challenges

Global Forum on Nicotine


Jagannath Sarangapani

Jagannath Sarangapani


Tomás O'Gorman

Tomás O'Gorman


Gerry Stimson

Gerry Stimson


Fiona Patten

Fiona Patten


David Sweanor

David Sweanor