Martin Cullip

Martin Cullip
- Host
- United Kingdom
Martin Cullip is a former company director and International Fellow of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, who has written and blogged on free market and lifestyle consumer issues for over a decade. As a user of e-cigarettes and other safer nicotine products, he is a particularly passionate consumer advocate for all forms of tobacco harm reduction and has a keen interest in the rapidly-evolving nicotine market and the politics surrounding it. Martin is a former Chair of UK educational charity The New Nicotine Alliance and has taken part in parliamentary evidence sessions and consumer, industry, and political events on the subject domestically and internationally.
Samrat Chowdhery

Samrat Chowdhery
- Guest
- India
Samrat Chowdhery is a journalist and consumer advocate who has steered global and national movements for adult access to safer nicotine alternatives. He is the director of Association of Vapers India, among the oldest tobacco harm reduction-focused consumer nonprofits. He is a past president of International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations, an umbrella body of over 30 national groups. He was a recipient of Tobacco Harm Reduction Scholarships to investigate the efficacy and affordability of vaping and smokeless alternatives among bidi and khaini users in India and offers mentorship on advocacy and research in advancing safer nicotine availability in low- and middle-income countries. He authors articles in the harm reduction magazine, Filter.