
This meeting will examine the current state of the Polish vaping market, the threats and opportunities it faces. It will then review the effects of implementing the TPD with regards to registration procedures and advertising constraints. The final part of the meeting will introduce a new vaping association being now formed in Poland.
Przemysław Bobiński

Title: Opening
Przemysław Bobiński

Title: Polski rynek - Trendy i zarys statystyczny rynku. Szanse, zagrożenia, branża dziś i w jutro <br>Polish market - trends and statistics. Opportunities, threats, industry today and tomorrow
Michał Giec

Title: Zasady obrotu płynami do elektronicznych papierosów. Kluczowe aspekty prawne zarządzania produktem na rynku<br>The rules for trading e-liquids. The key legal aspects of product management on the market.
Katarzyna Myrcha

Title: Reklama, zakazy <br>Advertising & bans