Pooja Patwardhan
Emma Ward
Title: Vapers’ perspectives on partnerships between healthcare professionals and the vaping community/industry to support smoking abstinence
Christopher Russell
Title: Factors associated with past 30-day abstinence from cigarette smoking in a non-probabilistic sample of 15,456 adult established current smokers in the United States who used a JUUL vaporizer for six months
Karolien Adriaens
Title: The effects of implementing the electronic cigarette in the standard quit-smoking treatment by tobacco counselors in Belgium
Sarah Gentry
Title: Reported patterns of vaping to support long term abstinence from smoking – 1-year follow-up survey
Konstantinos Farsalinos
Title: Changes from 2017-18 in e-cigarette use and ever marijuana use in e-cigarettes according to smoking status and frequency of use among US adolescents: analysis of the 2017 and 2018 NYTS.
Roberto Sussman
Title: Misinformation on environmental vapor in peer reviewed literature: a scientific critique