To create an account and register for #GFN24 please complete the registration form. This will enable you to upload submissions to the GFNFives and the Film Festival.
By registering you will also be able to access the live stream for the conference free of charge. To attend the conference in person you will be required to have paid the appropriate participant fee.
If you registered for GFN 2023,you do not need to fill in all your registration details again- use your 2023 user account to sign-inand to purchase tickets.If you don't remember your password, request a passwordless login link at the sign-in page.
Mindful of the need to keep participant fees attractive and value for money, the organisers have kept them at the same level as for 2023. Below is a summary of the fees for different categories of registration. Please choose the one that applies to you
Local and Consumer Advocates (in person)£190
This fee applies to participants resident in Poland and those who are consumer advocates.
Academics/Public Sector/NGOs (in person)£390
This fee applies to those working/researching in academic establishments, including teachers in schools, those working for public bodies, including health and social services, and those working in NGOs, including drug and alcohol treatment services and smoking cessation services.
Small & Medium Enterprises (in person)£520
This fee applies to owners/employees of businesses with a turnover <£2m, and/or less than 20 employees.
Industry and Consultants (in person)£995
This fee applies to company personnel of businesses with a turnover >£2m, and/or 20 plus employees.
Online participationFree
Only selected sessions will be streamed live
Media (in person or online)Free
Applications for media accreditation will be checked by a member of the GFN Team before approval.
If you are uncertain which fee applies to you, please contact help[at] and a member of our registration team will provide assistance.