THR at the Crossroads in LATAM, part 2
Health, science, sustainability and human rights
This event will provide valuable insights into the current state of vaping across Latin America, with a focus on health. The seminar is part of the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction programme.
Simultaneous translation (EN/ES) will be available.
Gina Reyes
Panellist (Argentina)
Diego Verrastro
Diego Verrastro
- Panellist (Argentina)
- Argentina
Diego Joaquin Verrastro graduated from U.B.A (University of Buenos Aires), and is a medical surgeon specializing in general and emergency surgery, mini-invasive surgery, ultrasonography and obesity, spokesperson and co-founder of the Latin American network for the reduction of harm associated with smoking (www.RELDAT. org), member of the Pan America Harm Reduction Alliance (PAHRA), Co-author of the latest Swedish SAVING LIVES report, Co-author of the LIVES SAVED report, and speaker at the Second African Conference for Health Harm Reduction, with the theme “Water, Environment and Food Security".
Panellist (Mexico)
Juan José Cirión
Juan José Cirión
- Panellist (Mexico)
- Mexico
Law degree from the Universidad Intercontinental. Master in Law from UNAM. Doctoral candidate at UNAM. Professor of Philosophy of Law at the UNAM. Professor of Legal Argumentation for the Universidad La Salle and the Postgraduate Studies Division of UNAM. Postulant Lawyer, president of the Association Mexico and the World Vaping A.C. He has currently promoted amparos against bans on the use of vaporisers in Mexico, obtaining amparo for himself and his clients and associates for their commercialisation and for declaring unconstitutional the presidential decree that aims to ban their importation. He has also been legal advisor for public events such as expos, forums and promotional activities in the commercialisation of vaporisers. Invited speaker at forums in the Federal Chamber of Deputies and local legislatures in defence of fundamental rights for the consumption of nicotine supply alternatives. He has also advised local deputies on such issues to justify law initiatives that seek to regulate nicotine consumption alternatives. Legal advisor to different companies in the vape market, he has insisted on strategies and policies in Mexico and Latin America to seek the correct regulation of these products. One of the leading voices in the press to address human rights and the right to consume reduced-risk alternatives. He has personally enjoyed the benefits of using alternatives to conventional tobacco since 2013.
Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Intercontinental. Maestro en derecho por la UNAM. Doctorante por la UNAM. Profesor por oposición de Filosofía del Derecho en la Licenciatura en la UNAM. Profesor de Argumentación Jurídica para la Universidad La Salle y la división de estudios de Posgrado de la UNAM. Abogado Postulante, presidente de la Asociación México y el Mundo Vapeando A.C. En la actualidad ha promovido amparos en contra de las prohibiciones en México del uso de vaporizadores, obteniendo amparo para sí y para sus clientes y asociados para su comercialización y para declarar inconstitucional el decreto presidencial que pretende prohibir la importación. Asimismo ha sido asesor jurídicos de eventos públicos como expos, foros y actividades de promoción, en la comercialización de vaporizadores. Orador invitado en foros en la Cámara de Diputados Federal y legislaturas Locales en defensa de los derechos fundamentales para el consumo de alternativas de suministro de nicotina. Asimismo ha asesorado en dichos temas a diputados locales para justificar las iniciativas de ley que buscan regular las alternativas de consumo de nicotina. Asesor jurídico de diferentes empresas del mercado del vapeo, ha insidido en estrategias y políticas en México y Latinoamérica para buscar la correcta regulación de dichos productos. Una de las voces principales en la prensa para abordar los derechos humanos y el derecho al consumo de alternativas de riesgo reducido. Ha disfrutado personalmente de las ventajas de consumir alternativas al tabaco convencional desde 2013.
Panellist (Mexico)
Roberto Sussman
Roberto Sussman
- Panellist (Mexico)
- Mexico
Dr Roberto A Sussman (PhD University of London) is a full time senior researcher and lecturer at the Institute for Nuclear Sciences of the National University of Mexico. His main research areas are General Relativity and Cosmology, but he has conducted research in other areas of Physics, including peer reviewed publications on e-cigarette aerosols. He is also the founder and Director of Pro-Vapeo Mexico, an association representing Mexican consumers of noncombustible nicotine products and is a member of INNCO. He is actively advocating for an appropriate regulation of Tobacco Harm Reduction products in Mexico. He directs and supervises the effort to spread scientific information on these products, as well as advising consumers on how to counter the governmental misinformation and prejudice about them that is rampant throughout Latin America.
Boris Platonoff