THR at the Crossroads in LATAM, part 1
Country regulatory update
This event will provide valuable insights into the current state of vaping across Latin America, with a focus on health. The seminar is part of the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction programme.
Simultaneous translation (EN/ES) will be available.
Francisco Ordóñez

Francisco Ordóñez
- Moderator
- Colombia
Degree in Social Sciences from the Universidad Pedagógica de Colombia with a Master's degree in Political Studies from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Social Sciences teacher for more than 20 years and a consummate activist for Harm Reduction of smoking. UX/UI designer and lover of music, cinema, and technology. He was a founding member of ASOVAPE Colombia, the first Latin American association of consumers of low-risk nicotine delivery products. He has been the promoter of the creation of other associations in Latin America, such as Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Panama, and Costa Rica. He is a founding member of ARDT Iberoamerica and president of this organisation. In 2021, he won the Best Advocate of the Year award from the INNCO organisation.
Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Pedagógica de Colombia con Maestría en Estudios Políticos de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Docente de Ciencias sociales por más de 20 años y consumado activista de la Reducción de Daños del tabaquismo. Diseñador UX/UI y amante de la música, el cine y la tecnología. Fue miembro fundador de ASOVAPE Colombia, la primera asociación Latinoamérica de consumidores de productos de administración de nicotina de bajo riesgo. Ha sido el promotor de la creación de otras asociaciones en América Latina como es el caso de Venezuela, Ecuador, Perú, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Brasil, Panamá y Costa Rica. Es miembro fundador de ARDT Iberoamérica y presidente de esta organización. En el año 2021 ganó el premio Mejor defensor del año otorgado por la organización INNCO.
Panellist (Chile)
Ignacio Leiva

Ignacio Leiva
- Panellist (Chile)
- Chile
Ignacio Leiva is a journalist specialized in informatics and multimedia platforms. In 2010, he led the communication campaign to prevent the vaping ban in Chile. Since then, he has focused on strengthening the community of electronic cigarette users, making them more informed and aware. He is the founder and current president of the Association of Vaporizer Consumers of Chile (ASOVAPE) and serves as the secretary of ARDT Iberoamerica. He organized the first pro-vaping public demonstration in Latin America and promotes communication campaigns for tobacco harm reduction in Chile and worldwide. Ignacio has been an active and relevant actor in the legislative process concerning electronic cigarettes in Chile, significantly contributing to policy discussions. He is also the manager of the broadcasts for World Vaping Day (WVD) and Vapefest Online. Currently, he is the general content editor and activities coordinator for the campaign "Vaping is not Smoking," a multimedia communication effort carried out in Chile and aimed at Latin America.
Panellist (Mexico)
Tomas O'gorman

Tomasz Jerzyński

Tomasz Jerzyński
- Panellist
- Poland
Sociologist and data scientist at The Robert B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies University of Warsaw, Poland and Knowledge•Action•Change, London, UK. Co-founder and member of the Polish Social Data Archive team. ( Head of Centre for Sociological Research at The Robert B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies University of Warsaw. Co-author in a team of Polish General Social Survey (PGSS). Co-author in a team of a Polish edition of International Social Survey Programme (ISSP).