Panel Discussion #4 - The global culture war over THR

Session Video

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The global culture war over THR - Panel Discussion #4 | #GFN24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Panel Discussion #4 - The global culture war over THR

An examination of the nature of the THR debate, including different factions' objectives and the tactics being used, such as misinformation, emotive appeals and personal attacks. Panellists will share their own experiences, discuss why the debate is being conducted as it is, and ask how we should best operate in a challenging and often hostile environment.


Will Godfrey

Will Godfrey


Marewa Glover

Marewa Glover


Rohan Sequeira

Rohan Sequeira


Maria Papaioannoy-Duic

Maria Papaioannoy-Duic


Christopher Snowdon

Christopher Snowdon