Science Lab #4

Introductory Videos

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

Health Innovations Enhancing Smoking Detection and Cessation - M. Casu | GFN Science Lab '24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

Smoke Free Sweden - D. Human | GFN Science Lab '24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

Harms of Vaping in Young Non-Smokers - C. Mendelsohn | GFN Science Lab '24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

Unintended Consequences in Tobacco Regulation Policies | M. Caldez, L. Price | GFN Science Lab '24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine-image

Study of a Heated Tobacco System Among Adult Smokers - M. Fitzpatrick | GFN Fives '24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Science Lab #4


Summer Hanna

Summer Hanna


Mirko Casu

Mirko Casu

Title: Digital and Mobile Health Innovations: Enhancing Smoking Detection and Cessation


Chase Wallace

Chase Wallace

Title: Smoke Free Sweden 2023: Sweden Is About to Become the First Smoke-Free Country


Colin Mendelsohn

Colin Mendelsohn

Title: What Are the Harms of Vaping in Young People Who Have Never Smoked


Karin Jacobson

Karin Jacobson

Title: Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Unintended Consequences in Tobacco Regulation Policies


Martin Fitzpatrick

Martin Fitzpatrick

Title: An Observational Study of a Heated Tobacco System Among Adult Smokers with No Intention to Quit