Michael Russell Oration and Awards
Bridging the Divide: Taking Global Action to End Smoking
David MacKintosh

David MacKintosh
- Host
- United Kingdom
David MacKintosh has over 25 years’ experience of working on alcohol and drug policy, which has included working within the UK Cabinet Office (UKADCU), heading up the London Drug and Alcohol Policy Forum (LDAPF) and providing specialist advice to the Greater London Authority. He also spent six years as Head of Community Safety for the City of London and has served as a trustee of a number of charities addressing substance use problems. He has helped deliver a range of innovative campaigns and national best practice guidance, which have all had one common purpose, to reduce harm to individuals and communities. In 2020 he began working as an independent consultant and now helps Knowledge•Action•Change deliver the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction and THR Scholarship programmes.
Cliff Douglas

Cliff Douglas
- Speaker
- United States of America
Cliff Douglas, president and CEO of Global Action to End Smoking, has dedicated his 36 year career to eradicating death and disease related to tobacco use by promoting science-based policies and education. Prior to Global Action, Douglas taught a tobacco policy course at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and directed the university's Tobacco Research Network. Last year, he produced an online tobacco course that is available globally. Douglas served as the American Cancer Society's Vice President for Tobacco Control and as Tobacco Control Policy Advisor to the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health and the U.S. Surgeon General. His career highlights include leading the campaign to prohibit smoking on airplanes in the U.S., serving as an attorney in landmark lawsuits against cigarette manufacturers on behalf of state attorneys general and individual smokers, and successfully defending Uruguay against Philip Morris International’s international trade action seeking to block that nation's tobacco control laws.
Awards Host
Gerry Stimson

Gerry Stimson
- Awards Host
- United Kingdom
Professor Gerry Stimson is a leading advocate for tobacco harm reduction and an Emeritus Professor at Imperial College London. A public health social scientist, with over 50 years’ experience of research and advocacy, he was one of the founders of drugs harm reduction in the 1990s, helping to develop and evaluate harm reduction in the UK as a response to HIV/AIDS. Gerry has advised the UK Government, WHO, UNAIDS, UNODC, the World Bank and numerous governments around the world on issues relating to drugs, HIV infection and AIDS, and alcohol. He has also published over 220 scientific publications and several books. Currently, Gerry is advisor to Knowledge•Action•Change, and is involved in the FSFW-funded Global Tobacco Harm Reduction Initiative. He is also a co-founder of the Global Forum on Nicotine, which has been delivered by KAC Communications since 2014.