Rhetoric, Regulation and Reality: consumer experience of the increasingly complex THR landscape

Session Video

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Consumer experience of the increasingly complex THR landscape - Workshop | #GFN24

Global Forum on Nicotine

Rhetoric, Regulation and Reality: consumer experience of the increasingly complex THR landscape

Despite considerable scientific evidence to support the efficacy - and relative safety - of safer nicotine products (SNPs) powerful voices continue to place obstacles in the way of consumers. Consumers are an often neglected voice in the debates that often result in disproportionate regulation, restrictions on sales and use and outright bans applied to SNPs. There are some notable exceptions, where consumers have had their voices heard and garnered support from legislators, resulting in a more balance and nuanced approach.

This session will attempt to ’take stock’ of where we are and what the next steps might look like, and will be consumer lead, with panellists from different regions reflecting on how the debate has been conducted and what influence they may have been able to bring to bear. What are the challenges and what strategies can have a positive impact? How can the science supporting SNPs be effectively promoted and how can the consumer experience be incorporated - ’nothing about us without us’? Who are the key actors and how might they be engaged in a constructive way? What can most effectively assist consumer advocacy to succeed?


Tom Gleeson

Tom Gleeson


Joseph Magero

Joseph Magero


Ignacio Leiva

Ignacio Leiva


Carissa Düring

Carissa Düring


Asa Saligupta

Asa Saligupta