Workshop: Tobacco industry transformation – is it really reaching LMICs?

Session Video

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[EN] #GFN23 | Tobacco industry transformation – is it really reaching LMICs?

Global Forum on Nicotine

Workshop: Tobacco industry transformation – is it really reaching LMICs?

Nearly 80% of the world’s users of risky forms of tobacco live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The tobacco industry enjoys a significant advantage in LMICs due to the role they play in many of those economies as well as the lack of adequate regulatory and enforcement capacity in those countries to implement the FCTC. How do these realities impact the availability, accessibility and affordability of reduced risk tobacco and nicotine products in these countries? What role can and should the industry play in making safer forms of nicotine available to LMIC users? This will be a panel-based workshop, drawing from a range of key stakeholders, including the industry, to examine whether the tobacco industry’s transformation is reaching LMICs or not.


Sud Patwardhan

Sud Patwardhan


Flora Okereke

Flora Okereke


Atul Agarwal

Atul Agarwal


Joseph Magero

Joseph Magero