Smoking Patient. Personalized Approach - Tatyana Tayutina

Smoking is one of the major risk factors for the development of COPD, Lung Cancer. In our study we found that 43% of patients with COPD and peripheral lung masses were refused surgery due to COPD exacerbation, and 44% needed to postpone surgery for 7 days to a month. Unfortunately, not everyone is motivated to stop smoking, which is confirmed by our other study, in which 70% of patients with COPD had no motivation to stop smoking. A comprehensive patient-centered approach to the management of these patients is needed. It is necessary to include an algorithm for counseling patients who are not motivated to quit smoking in clinical guidelines. It is necessary to study alternative nicotine products, their potential and impact on the health of smokers, and to make targeting requirements for manufacturers.


Year of Production

4 Minutes
48 Seconds

English Subtitles





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