Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituents (HPHCs) in Two Novel Nicotine Pouch Products - Anna Masser
Moist Snuff
Tobacco Harm Reduction
Oral Tobacco
Swedish Snus
Nicotine Pouch
Tobacco-free nicotine pouches is a novel category of oral nicotine-delivery products. Among current tobacco users such pouches may serve as a low-risk alternative to cigarettes or conventional, tobacco-based oral products, e.g., snus and moist snuff. In the United States (U.S.), the market leading nicotine-pouch brand is ZYN®. However, no data on the chemical characteristics of ZYN have been published. In the absence of long-term epidemiological studies, such data may help to assess the potential for long-term health effects and to position ZYN on the continuum of individual risk proposed for tobacco and nicotine-delivery products.